The attitude you carry with you during your lifetime will greatly determine just how high you will soar. The more positive your attitude the more you will be able to accomplish.
There is one thing you can do to greatly impact your attitude and take it to new heights; that is to flood your mind and heart with gratitude.
When you look at your life and focus on all the things you have to grateful for, it's impossible to have a bad attitude because the good of your life will take over. You will be smiling at you consider all the good things in your life you have to be thankful for.
Here is an example of how gratitude can greatly impact your attitude. Try saying this as you consider the implications it has on how you look at your life;
Here is an example of how gratitude can greatly impact your attitude. Try saying this as you consider the implications it has on how you look at your life;
I walk to the bathroom and I look at a very handsome reflection in the mirror. I am grateful for the way I look, how I smile and what a life I have. I walk around and am so grateful to have a wife that loves me, children that I can parent and love back, a place to live in, clothing to wear, food in my refrigerator, a car in my driveway and places to go.
I leave home and feel the warmth of the sun on my face. It feels so good. I drive and pass by different people on the streets. I roll down my window and I smile at strangers. They think something is wrong with me but I know, there is so much right with me I can hardly contain myself.
I go about my work on a job that I love. I finish my day and head to a local restaurant to meet my wife and children for dinner. Tonight we are celebrating life. They think something is wrong with me. I am trying to tell everybody, I am so grateful. That is what is right with me.
I end my day saying goodnight to my children and a kiss to my wife. As I drift off to sleep I imagine how many people would love to have my life. Is it perfect? No. But am I grateful that this is my life and I get to live it?